Life Changing Moments of DataScienceGO 2018
DataScienceGO is truly a unique conference. Justin Fortier summed up part of the ambiance when replying to Sarah Nooravi's LinkedIn post.And although I enjoy a good dance party (more than most), there were a number of reasons why this conference (in particular) was so memorable.
- Community
- Yoga + Dancing + Music + Fantastic Energy
- Thought provoking keynotes (saving the most life changing for last)
Community:In Kirill's keynotes he mentioned that "community is king". I've always truly subscribed to this thought, but DataScienceGO brought this to life. I met amazing people, some people that I had been building relationships for months online but hadn't yet had the opportunity to meet in person, some people I connected with that I had never heard of. EVERYONE was friendly. I mean it, I didn't encounter a single person that was not friendly. I don't want to speak for others, but I got the sense that people had an easier time meeting new people than what I have seen at previous conferences. It really was a community feeling. Lots of pictures, tons of laughs, and plenty of nerdy conversation to be had.If you're new to data science but have been self conscious about being active in the community, I urge you to put yourself out there. You'll be pleasantly surprised.Yoga + Dancing + Music + Fantastic EnergyBoth Saturday and Sunday morning I attended yoga at 7am. To be fully transparent, I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old at home. I thought I was going to use this weekend as an opportunity to sleep a bit. I went home more tired than I had arrived. Positive, energized, and full of gratitude, but exhausted.Have you ever participated in morning yoga with 20-30 data scientists? If you haven't, I highly recommend it.It was an incredible way to start to the day, Jacqueline Jai brought the perfect mix of yoga and humor for a group of data scientists. After yoga each morning you'd go to the opening keynote of the day. This would start off with dance music, lights, sometimes the fog machine, and a bunch of dancing data scientists. My kind of party.The energized start mixed with the message of community really set the pace for a memorable experience.Thought provoking keynotes Ben Taylor spoke about "Leaving an AI Legacy", Pablos Holman spoke about actual inventions that are saving human lives, and Tarry Singh showed the overwhelming (and exciting) breadth of models and applications in deep learning. Since the conference I have taken a step back and have been thinking about where my career will go from here. In addition, Kirill encouraged us to think of a goal and to start taking small actions towards that goal starting today.I haven't nailed down yet how I will have a greater impact, but I have some ideas (and I've started taking action). It may be in the form of becoming an adjunct professor to educate the next wave of future mathematicians and data scientists. Or I hope to have the opportunity to participate in research that will aid in helping to solve some of the world's problems and make someone's life better.I started thinking about my impact (or using modeling for the forces of good) a couple weeks ago when I was talking with Cathy O'Neil for the book I'm writing with Kate Strachnyi "Mothers of Data Science". Cathy is pretty great at making you think about what you're doing with your life, and this could be it's own blog article. But attending DSGO was the icing on the cake in terms of forcing me to consider the impact I'm making.Basically, the take away that I'm trying to express is that this conference pushed me to think about what I'm currently doing, and to think about what I can do in the future to help others. Community is king in more ways than one.ClosingI honestly left the conference with a couple tears. Happy tears, probably provoked a bit by being so overtired. There were so many amazing speakers in addition to the keynotes. I particularly enjoyed being on the Women's panel with Gabriela de Queiroz, Sarah Nooravi, Page Piccinini, and Paige Bailey talking about our real life experiences as data scientists in a male dominated field and about the need for diversity in business in general. I love being able to connect with other women who share a similar bond and passion.I was incredibly humbled to have the opportunity to speak at this conference and also cheer for the talks of some of my friends: Rico Meinl, Randy Lao, Tarry Singh, Matt Dancho and other fantastic speakers. I spoke about how to effectively present your model output to stakeholders, similar to the information that I covered in this blog article: Effective Data Science Presentations
This article is obviously an over simplification of all of the awesomeness that happened during the weekend. But if you missed the conference, I hope this motivates you to attend next year so that we can meet. And I urge you to watch the recordings and reflect on the AI legacy you want to leave behind.I haven't seen the link to the recordings from DataScienceGo yet, but when I find them I'll be sure to link here.